


媒礦用防潮把控纜線MKVV 簡略闡述:媒礦用防火把控纜線


下達要求 Standards implemented : Q/3210HL33.1-Q/3210HL33.2-2005

規格、名稱大全及在使用比率 Model descriptions and Use scope

型 號Model 名 稱//www.anhdl.com Descriptions 使 用 范 圍 Scope of application MKVV 礦井用聚氯乙稀絕緣層聚氯乙稀絕緣護套有效控制纜線 PVC insulated PVC sheathed control cables for use in mines 煤礦中一樣 調節體系中 General control system in mines MKVV22 露天煤礦用聚氯丁二烯耐壓皮帶鎧裝聚氯丁二烯保護套抑制電纜線 PVC insulated steel tape armored PVC sheathed control cables for use in mines 斜井中般管理系統性里能經受固定突破力和各種壓力 General control system cables are under some impact and pressure in the mine MKVV32 選煤廠用聚氯乙稀接地細鋼纜鎧裝聚氯乙稀絕緣護套調整數據線 PVC insulated fine steel wire armored PVC sheathed control cables for use in mines 立井中普通把控整體能經受一些拉力 General control system cables are under some pulling force in the mine MKVV42 礦山用聚氯氯丁二烯絕緣層粗鋼纜鎧裝聚氯氯丁二烯絕緣護套控制高壓電纜 PVC insulated thick steel wire armored PVC sheathed control cables for use in mines 礦山中一樣 控制裝置能承受壓力相對較大拉力 General control system cables are under big impact pulling force in the mine MKVVP 露天煤礦用聚氯丁二烯隔絕金屬絲鉤織攔截聚氯丁二烯保護套掌握電線 PVC insulated copper wire weave shielded PVC sheathed control cables for use in mines 水井中強磁感應打擾區作通常情況下設定 Strong electromagnetism interference region as general control in mines MKVVP2 選煤廠用聚氯乙稀絕緣層銅帶屏避聚氯乙稀絕緣護套設定通信電纜 PVC insulated copper tape shielded PVC sheathed control cables for use in mines 掘進工作面中強電滋干擾信號區作尋常調整 Strong electromagnetism interference region as general control in mines MKVVR 選煤廠用聚氯乙稀絕緣層聚氯乙稀絕緣護套軟操縱電纜電線 PVC insulated PVC sheathed soft control cables for use in mines 井下采用求中國移動在日常生活中作通常情況下管理 Request migration situation as general control in mines MKVVRP 媒礦用聚氯乙稀電絕緣銅線編制而成屏避聚氯乙稀絕緣護套軟設定數據線 PVC insulated copper wire weave shielded PVC sheathed soft control cables for use in mines 礦山時要求運動且強電滋串擾區作基本上調節 Request migration situation and strong electromagnetism interference region as general control in mines 用性能 Service characteristics

低壓電纜導體經常不得的工作任務溫暖 Long-term service temperature of the cable conductor 70℃ 額定負載輸出功率U0/U Rated voltage U0/U 450/750V 線纜敷設體溫 Cable laying temperature ≥0℃ 通信線纜的面值最小耐折圓的半徑 Minimun bending radius 無鎧裝層的≥通信線纜外徑的6倍,有鎧裝層或銅帶手機屏蔽的≥通信線纜外徑的12倍, Non armored ≥outer diameter of cable 6 times armored layer or copper tape shielded≥outer diameter of cable 12times 有屏蔽了層的軟電攬≥電攬外徑的6倍 Shielded layer soft cable ≥ outer diameter of cable 6 times 拖鏈電纜格局示圖圖

IIIustration of cable structure


型 號 Model 額定功率電壓電流 V Rated voltage 導體標稱截面積 mm2 Conductor nominal sectional 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.5 4 6 10 芯 數 Core number MKVV MKVVP 450/750 - 2-61 2-14 2-10 MKVVP2 - 4-61 2-14 4-10 MKVV22 - 4-61 2-14 4-10 MKVV32 - 7-61 4-61 2-14 4-10 MKVV42 - 16-61 7-61 2-14 4-10 MKVVR 4-61 - - MKVVRP 4-61 4-48 - - 注Note:推薦英文的芯數系Recommendation core series:2、3、4、5、7、8、10、12、14、16、19、24、27、30、37、44、48、52、61芯(core)

低壓電纜常見方法能力 Major technical performances

1、 電覽導體電流熱敏電阻功率及絕緣層熱敏電阻功率 Cable conductor DC resistance and insulated resistance

標稱剖面 nominal sectional (mm2) 導體設備構造 Conductor structure +20℃導體電流電阻器(≤Ω/Km) Conductor DC resistance at 20℃ +20℃接地熱敏電阻(≥MΩ·Km) Insulated resistance at 20℃ 種 類Type 根數/單線標稱截面積(mm) core No./ single nominaldiameter 不鍍錫 Untinned 鍍錫 Tinned 0.5 5 16/0.20 39.0 40.1 15 0.75 1 1/0.97 24.5 24.8 12 0.75 2 7/0.37 24.5 24.8 12 0.75 5 24/0.20 26.0 26.7 12 1.0 1 1/1.13 18.1 18.2 11 1.0 2 7/0.43 18.1 18.2 10 1.0 5 32/0.20 19.5 20.0 10 1.5 1 1/1.38 12.1 12.2 11 1.5 2 7/0.52 12.1 12.2 10 1.5 5 30/0.52 13.3 13.7 10 2.5 1 1/1.78 7.41 7.56 10 2.5 2 7/0.68 7.41 7.56 9 2.5 5 50/0.25 7.98 8.21 9 4 1 1/2.25 4.61 4.70 8.5 4 2 7/0.85 4.61 4.70 7.7 6 1 1/2.76 3.08 3.11 7 6 2 7/1.04 3.08 3.11 6.5 10 2 7/1.35 1.83 1.84 6.5 2、電力電纜其他一些重點技巧穩定性 Other major technical performances


序 號 Serial number 產品 Items 科技耐磨性 Technical performances 1 +20℃線芯交流學習電電阻值值(≤Ω/Km) Core DC resistance at 20℃ 見上表 See above table 2 +20℃接地電阻值值(≥MΩ·Km) Insulation resistance at 20℃ 見上表 See above table 3 5min耐工頻交流學習電壓電流實驗設計 5min power frequency alternating current pressure test 芯-芯Core-Core 芯-屏弊Core-Shield 芯-鎧裝 Core-Armor 3000V不穿透 3000V no breakdown 4 單根立式燒實驗室檢測 Single wire burning test MT386 5 成束燒實驗室檢測 Group burning test 合適GB/T18380的標準中B類成束燒實驗室檢測讓 Conforms to GB/T18380 standard B kind group burning test

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